What he went through and has to go through everyday, along with too many other servicemen, is why I am doing my fundraiser for Help for Heroes.
I was driving my truck thinking that I want to do something to help. I racked my brain for a few minutes thinking what I could do. Then I came up with doing the 3 peaks. I'm sure I could do it, but I wanted the misses to come with me. I asked her. She was up for it. So the training has started, we try to walk a mountain about once a week. We've done Pen-y-Fan three times.

The London Marathon happened the other weekend and Rammers posted about doing it on a bike with his arm. I said go for it, so did a few others. Now I can walk 26.2 miles fine. I'd moan but I'm sure I could do it. Running it was another thing. Bob Toomey said he would run with him, as did Kyleigh Hill. Inspired by Rammers I also said I would run with him as well, unfortunately with all the tweets going on I think my comment went unnoticed.
If it does happen I'm pretty sure he would lap me, my knees are getting worse and now constantly ache if not hurt, but I won't let that stop me. I've only spoken to Rammers a few times on Twitter since I haven't been following him long, but I think the guy is fantastic. I think I've got a man crush. AWKWARD. But before anyone thinks wrong, here's the Urban Dictionary definition. "When a straight man has a 'crush' on another man, not sexual but kind of idolising him."
I've probably just been blocked by him after that. Lol. But I must say, the guy is awesome. What he and others have been through inspire me to raise what I can for Help for Heroes. So any other injured serviceman or servicewomen can have the best chance of rehabilitation possible.
There are a few others on Twitter doing fantastic things. Dave Anderson is doing Ironman UK for the Royal Marines Association and other charities. Kyleigh Hill is covering 2012km for Combat Stress and Amy Manning has given up alcohol for a year to raise money for Combat Stress as well. Lisa McKinlay is trekking across the Sahara for The Undentable Trust, in memory of her husband who lost his life in Afghanistan in 2011. Another hero who sacrificed it all, I salute you. All these people are doing fantastic things for fantastic charities who help fantastic people. I have supported and will continue to support all of them.
To donate to these fantastic people please visit their pages:
Lisa McKinlay - www.bmycharity.com/MrsMC
Amy Manning - www.justgiving.com/Amy-Manning
Kyleigh Hill - uk.virginmoneygiving.com/KyleighHill-GoldChallenge
Dave Anderson - www.justgiving.com/Dave-Anderson849
And finally, if you would like to donate towards my fundraiser you can donate at www.bmycharity.com/bestofthree or if you have a mobile (who doesn't?) you can text GNRF84 £1-10 to 70070.
Let's help our wounded troops. They sacrifice so much.