I am returning to work after 2 months off and even though I'm on light duties it's not picnic. Each day is a struggle and I find it difficult to try and keep myself busy.
I do have a friend that keeps me company and gives me comfort, and even though many of you may think I am sad and feel the need to make fun I truly do not care, for my friend is actually HM Armed Forces action figure by the name of Gunner Faulkner.

As well as Gnr Faulkner I also have my girlfriend, she's had to deal with me being a miserable git at times and go through some really strange moods, but she has been there for me, she will listen to my rants at inanimate objects and to people that annoy me (which is unfortunately quite a lot).
Well I'm having a bad day at the moment and my mind has gone blank, so not sure what else to write. Even though I am sure not many people will read this, I hope I can use this blog to vent my feelings and frustrations, and any other topic that I may want to blog about.
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