Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Proud Of My Service

For those of you that are not aware, I asked for my twitter followers to ask me questions on as I was bored and thought it would be a laugh. Things started off fine until the questions started to become an attack on my person, my service and over the choice of my twitter name.
I have never lied about my military service. In fact I believe I did a blog post about it. For those of you unaware though I will tell you. I was a Gunner in the Royal Artillery, in the Territorial Army. That's right the TA.

At the time I decided to join, my regiment was deployed in Iraq which meant that it was operating full time and not just Some Weekends And Tuesdays (SWAT), this allowed me to work full time within my Battery.
I took part in several ceremonies, training exercises and even got to meet the Director of the Royal Artillery. I did my training in Lichfield and it was at this point I decided to join the "regs" or Regular Army. Unfortunately due to the condition in my knee I was told I was not suitable and that I could no longer serve in the TA and I saw myself medically discharged after 12months of service. My RSM and Admin Officer did all they could to keep me in the regiment, but it didn't work.
So whether anyone likes or not I am a veteran & I was a member of the British Army, I had a service number, I was attested and I swore allegiance to Queen & Country.

Since my medical discharge I have had several x-rays, a few MRI's & 2 operations on my knee, unfortunately neither of the operations has cured me of the condition affecting my knee.
In 2009 I was diagnosed with depression. I've struggled with jobs, had difficulties with family and have battled with the hatred of my own life. I have self harmed and attempted an overdose. Not a day goes by where I don't have a suicidal thought of some degree.
This leads me to Gnr Faulkner, my HM Armed Forces figure that comes everywhere with me. He brings me comfort, he is a companion, a mascot, if you wish. When I struggle with day to day life it's something as small as that which can bring a smile to my face.

So no matter what people say I am proud of my service. I am proud to have worn the uniform and I respect those who do wear it and have worn it, no matter which service they are from, past or present, young or old.
If you start disrespecting these people, calling them names and abusing them for their service, no matter how short, then I believe you to be on par with poppy burning scum that have come to infest this country. Our Armed Forces have done much for this nation and it should be remembered and celebrated.

My twitter name is just that, a name. Snipers are a breed of people that I am interested in, it's a profession that I admire. I was not a sniper in the military as my service was too short, but I would have done my best to become one. I know there a many things to being a sniper more than just shooting. Years ago my friend and I spent hours and hours stalking animals that invaded his farmland, we used bolt action rifles starting with .22 calibre then going up to .222. Unfortunately there is no chance of me getting a rifle licence so I have to make do with an air rifle. The range master at the place I go to is an ex-army sniper and a fantastic teacher, I'm sure he has plenty more knowledge to pass on as well. Plus many of you on twitter who are serving and have served have given me tips to adapt my cheaply bought ghillie suit, which I thank you for.
So that's my story. Like it or lump it I am a veteran and will continue to be proud of my service for this country.

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